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The girl

Kobe Bryant.

Love song
808's & Heartbreak - Kanye West
Circus - Britney Spears

Myspace My Past

x x x x
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
♥ 11:54 PM

(1) Do you personally know anyone who was nominated for an Oscar, or something like that? No
(2) Is there anything edible in your bedroom right now? Yes
(3) What was the last event that you packed for? Coming back to Washington
(4) What brand and colour is your suitcase? Idk its black
(5) What's the longest you've gone without shampooing your hair? Eww I hate that feeling but it was probably like 3 days
(6) Does your significant other (or best friend, if you don't have one) know about your survey site? I dont have one of those
(7) Recommend a good blog for us to visit? I dont read much blogs
(8) Are any of your friends aged 20 and above? Yup most of them
(9) What are two things girls can't do while on their period? Nothing I believe we can do everything it just depends on how comfortable you are
(10) Forget the book or the movie, do you have the Twilight soundtrack? Nope
(11) Is there anything on your bed right now that usually isn't there when you sleep? Yup clothes
(12) Are you hungry right now? When was the last time you ate? Yes I am. I ate like 7ish
(13) What are some things that you hate surveys assuming about (ex. you're single, you go to school etc.)? I have no idea
(14) Isn't it so dumb when people deliberately skip a question number then suddenly ask about it later? Umm yes
(15) If you're a girl, is your boyfriend/crush more into sports or computer games? Hmm idk Im single
(16) And if you're a guy, is your girlfriend/crush a typical girly-girl?
(17) What's one of the worst nightmares you can remember ever having? Omg I had this one recently and it was sickening I dont even want to say what its about but it was gross and graphic and omg eww
(18) What's the exact model number of your cell phone? Who knows mine is from China lol
(19) How many people do you know that have an iPod Touch (not the regular iPod)? Hmm 2
(20) If you make surveys, which type of surveys are the easiest to make? I dont make any
(21) Have you ever had a dog jump on you? Yup
(22) What's something a teacher can do that will make you hate them immediately for the rest of the school term? Probably have it out for me and give me bad grades
(23) When you were 10, did your parents still have the same jobs as they do now? Only my mom
(24) Do you call it 'butt', 'ass', 'behind' or something else? Ass
(25) Would you rather dress up as Paris Hilton or Ozzy Osbourne to a halloween party? Britney Spears
(26) Do you think you're single because you repel the opposite sex? Nope
(27) Are you registered to vote? No, but I will next election
(28) What states do you have a driver's license in? Washington only
(29) What's the last thing you ate? Cookies
(30) Describe your default picture: Where
(31) Who do you get most of your surveys from? Wherever
(32) Is there anything you'd like to say to anyone in particular? Nope
(33) Who was the last person to give you a really really big hug? This guy
(34) Did you last read a book, magazine, newspaper, etc? Twilight
(35) How many windows are up on your screen? One
(36) Who was the last person you talked to through myspace message? I have no idea I rarely check it
(37) Do you wear your watch on your left or right arm? I dont wear a watch
(38) What's the last thing that got you worked up about? My sister
(39) When is your birthday? May
(40) Ever had a crush on a friend's boy/girlfriend? Yes and there was this time...
(41) Which ex of yours do you think is the ugliest? Wow umm you know
(42) Hottest? The last one
(43) Are you male or female? Female
(44) Who was the last person you rolled your eyes at? My sister
(45) Do you have road rage? No
(46) What kind of vehicle do you have? Why?
(47) Does your phone number [disregarding the area] begin with an even or odd number? Even
(48) What language did you take up in high school? 3 years of French and a year of Spanish
(49) Are your parents home? I dont live with either of them
(50) What are you sitting on? Chair
(51) What's the brand of your computer? Dell
(52) Do you have an ipod dock? No
(53) What's the most expensive thing you received for christmas? Im not sure
(54) Is there someone you dislike? No
(55) Who did you last talk to in person? My sister
(56) Do you brush your teeth in the shower? No
(57) What's the last compliment you received? "Damn you're beautiful
(58) Does your license plate start with an even or odd number? Dang stalker mode
(59) Number of relationships you've been in: A few but only 2 serious ones
(60) Did you hang out with anyone today? what did you do? Nope

hey everyone! man its been a really really really long time since ive done an update. wow people must have forgot about this because i certainly did. things have been very crazy in my life.

i know the last time i did a semi real entry i said i was going to the beach. well i went home for a funeral once again. it was a huge shock to me and everyone. and at times it still is. so i went home for about two weeks during thanksgiving break. i actually got there thanksgiving day and it sucked because i was so jetlagged and not hungry that i didnt even get to eat any turkey. i mean seriously it was thanksgiving and all i ate was plane food. it wasnt the best. so while i was back home things went way too fast and most of the time i was busy doing something. i did get a tan and i completely loved it. it was wonderful man i was dark. i got to see my family and it was great. there was so much drama between my family but things changed after this. its sad that this had to happen to fix things between blood but im just thankful now that things are better between us.

i got home in the second week of december and it really sucked because i was enjoying the sun, the heat, the beach and the atmosphere and i came back to washington. the place where it was freezing and raining. it sucked and it was quite a transition to get used to it again. to make matters worse we had a snow storm and there was like a foot of snow for 2 weeks on the ground. the first 2 days it was great because you know we only get snow once here. however after the first week i was ready for it to melt but it didnt more snow actually came. then it began to rain and rain and rain. so we went from a snow storm/blizzard to rain and flooding. it was great. im thankful we didnt flood cause that would have made everything even worse. all i know is it was a really rough december but i survived.

jr. once again left to iraq and hell be there for a long time. hes out there fighting for our country so keep him in your prayers.

soccer was cancelled during december because of the storm so it just started back up. i think i gained a few lbs. so yea its going to be interesting now.

things have definitely been different with me. i feel like im changing the way i see myself and the world. im starting to focus on changing how i feel about myself and focusing on what makes me happy even if other people arent. at the end of the day im the one who has to look in the mirror and accept the person im becoming or change it to be better.

thats all i got for now. so til next time.



Tuesday, January 06, 2009
♥ 8:33 AM

man its been long since i've done an update. things are sure as hell more difficult than i've ever imagined but i'll survive. i'll find a way to get through this and come out on top. i just wanted to come through and say i'm alive.

hope alls well.


Sunday, November 23, 2008
♥ 1:28 AM

"i know what i felt, and i know what i said but dont think i dont think about it"

hey everyone! well im updating because its been awhile.

soccer season is back. we just had our first game. we won 2-0. it was nice but it was effin freezing.

im going back home once again for a funeral so i wont be back til sometime in mid december. i wont have internet so you know how that goes.

i have 2 more weeks of school left but im leaving early. all i really have to do now is this project and omg its stressing me out even more cause my brain just wont grasp the idea. i dont like it. ugh i hate sales. im contemplating changing my major but im not sure yet.

oh so im going to the beach ya dig. im effin excited about that. i get to get a tan and swim in the damn ocean. i mean the real ocean. its wonderful.

tonight was an interesting day. i was at the mall after my game for awhile. you know just chilling with my peeps. haha.

last night i went out and i drove farther than i ever have by myself in the rain at night. it was an effin adventure but shit i did it. i survived hahah. im damn proud.

okay thats all i got. so til i get back take care of yourselves.


Monday, October 27, 2008
♥ 9:03 AM

i put on for my city...so fresh, so clean on my way to charlene

hey everyone! so i decided that every time i update now im going to start it off with a lyric from the song im listening to. how is everyone?

well im doing well. schools been keeping me busy alot these days but i feel so drained that it takes extra effort to actually get the work done. im not enjoying it. but it has to be done. i have 2 more months of it hopefully i can pull through.

this weekend felt like a busy one.

we had our first soccer practice on saturday morning. im out of shape so yea it wasnt a great sight. the team is smaller this time and i have numerous restrictions on what i can and cant do. it feels like discrimination but oh well ill deal. i believe our first game is nov. 17th.

afterwards my family and i went to the pumpkin patch. it wasnt as memorable as the last time we went for some reason. i remember the first time we went we did everything together and got like 5-6 pumpkins. this time we just went on the hay ride and petting zoo. i wasnt feeling the hay ride at all cause i mean i was wearing nice clothes and i wasnt up for sitting on hay but i did. i didnt go into the petting zoo either cause it smelled bad. and we only got one huge pumpkin its like 31 lbs. were probably going to carve it today.

sunday i slept in cause i usually get to do it on fridays but not anymore.

oh i got my new phone. its great so far *knock on wood*

okay well i cant go back to sleep cause i have tons of hw calling my name.

so til next time.


Wednesday, October 15, 2008
♥ 4:22 PM

hey everyone! everythings okay. im back in school again so im busy. im kinda upset though right now cause im supposed to get my new phone and idk where its at. i just wanted to update and say im still breathing.

hopes all well with you.


Wednesday, September 17, 2008
♥ 9:19 AM

hey everyone! wow its been a minute since ive updated. lifes good right now. i have nothing to complain about. school is coming up next week im not really excited but then again i am. idk how to describe it. i mean im dreading the reading and assignments but i know that it gets me closer to a degree.

right now im working on my fitness because without soccer ive not cared about what i ate and i rarely exercise. but now im back on it. i think im doing well i have the occasional craving for sweets but im controlling it. dieting and exercising isnt fun but i need to be healthy and in shape.

i dont really have much to update but i just wanted to say hi im still breathing lol.

my little sister had the baby and shes sooo beautiful.

take care...


Monday, August 04, 2008
♥ 12:59 PM

hey everyone! wow i feel like its been years since ive done an update. thats crazy.

anyways so currently the new batman movie is creating a huge buzz that it will outsell titanic. no one really knows for sure.

so my opinion of it hmm well i thought itd be better. i mean its made 392 million dollars and i was not really impresssed. some parts of it dragged. i really think its making tons of money because of heath ledgers death. heaths part was brillant though. i mean he was excellent playing the joker. christian bale plays an impressive batman but i cant get over the fact that he played patrick batman in american psycho and he was truly psychotic in that movie. haha everytime i looked at him in this movie i thought of the psycho. he had this demeanor in his part. this movie seemed like batman was having an identity crisis and didnt know whether to be batman or be himself. at times he seemed insecure about it and then other times he was way to over confident about it. the special effects were impressive though but i mean i think transformers was better than dark knight. :/

i have to watch it on dvd to make a really permanent opinon.

so i really need to start playing soccer again or join a gym. haha im gaining to much weight and i dont like it. everyone says im fine and i look good but theyre not the ones who put on my jeans and feel what i feel. haha yea but only i can do something about it. so i have to figure out my soccer situation.

school is almost finish im so excited. theres 2 weeks left but all i have to do is read and take the test next thursday. im getting an A its so awesome. fall quarter is starting up though so i think im going to take 1-2 classes. idk yet.

well thats all i got i just wanted to update and tell everyone im still alive just been busy and forgetting.
